Monday, September 28, 2009

ABQNews: Richardson Travels (AGAIN) to Kuala Lumpur (SOMEWHERE FAR FAR AWAY) To Participate(PLAY WITH) in Forbes Conference (VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE)

Why do I feel as if there is a rush of world travel in a short amount of time, almost as if it must get done while it's still being paid for by tax dollars AND before it's too late?

A quick short list for your reading pleasure: the Pope, the Dalai Lama, now to Kuala a matter of weeks. Really? Wow. It's too bad there isn't anyone to review and approve these travel requests and resulting expense reports. It's only when someone in the public ASKS that we even see them, and we never have the opportunity to disapprove the requests for more taxpayer money to travel the world as a VIP. No wonder there is $1 BILLION dollars in state money that is not exactly explainable...anywhere?

Seems to me like we need someone who wants to actually BE in New Mexico at the helm of our state, not someone who is more concerned about making a 10-minute impression on the world would certainly cost us a lot less as taxpayers. Those 10 minutes are pretty expensive.

ABQNews: Richardson Travels to Kuala Lumpur To Participate in Forbes Conference

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