Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tales from the Oval Office ... and beyond

First it was Joe the Plumber, whose story turned out to be falsified in the hype following his contact with then-candidate Barack Obama.  The conservatives didn't do their homework that time.

But now it's health insurance-cancelled Robin, the former acne patient, now breast cancer survivor, who also has a heart condition (the real cause of the cancellation, including a falsified statement of her weight). The insurance company reacted inappropriately in any case, but that's not the point. The point is that now-President Obama omitted some rather important details in his storytelling, all in the effort to convince the American public of the evils of insurance companies and the divine goodness of his health plan overhaul.

Now, maybe I am just expecting too much from the political leaders of our nation and the President of the UnitedStates - I guess I have raised the bar too high, but it seems to me that the Leader of the Free World should be able to get his facts in order and his story straight. And you know what, even more important than that, he should WANT to.

And to take it a bit further, it would really be nice if both parties would be more careful in their research, their statements and their rhetoric; stick with the facts - do a little due diligence before hitting the airwaves in debates, talk shows or infomercials.

Only one thing is crystal clear to me: I need to lower the bar or we need some real divine goodness in our leadership.

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