Monday, July 13, 2009

Incompetent Competition

I find it interesting the way words can suddenly jump from a page and make you see them as if for the first time. It's almost the exact opposite of the 1st day back at school after summer vacation when you are supposed to write the traditional "What I did during summer vacation" essay. I remember writing words and looking at the paper and wondering what I had written. Was that really the way "route" was spelled?

Words are fascinating. Words can elevate or destroy people, articles, conversations.

Today's two words to consider are: incompetent and compete.

Incompetent: inability to function properly, lack of physical or intellectual ability or qualifications, not qualified or suited for a purpose.

Compete: engage in a contest, measure oneself against others, to seek or strive for the same thing another is seeking or striving for

It's interesting that we consider many of our elected leaders incompetent, but when you think about it for a minute, it actually makes sense.

Competition comes from the base word - compete.

People who compete well and fairly would typically embody the values of self-confidence and sportsmanship and humility. They want to win, but they also know how to lose and can cheer and congratulate the winner. They are worthy competitors.

Incompetent people would typically embody the opposite values, or a lack of same. Ego instead of a healthy self-confidence, dishonesty, cheating and smear campaigns in place of sportsmanship; braggery and cockiness over humility. They will do anything to win and if they lose they have nothing nice to say to the winner, including a heartfelt "congratulations". They place blame. They pout. They say things they shouldn't. They are not able to compete.

How do competitors compare to the incompetent? It's actually quite simple. It boils down to integrity and honor.

I would like to cast my vote for those who know how to compete honorably and lose gracefully. Where are they?

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